jueves, 21 de julio de 2016

Eating Healthy is Expensive, I am just gonna eat Ramen Noodles!

I am just gonna eat Ramen noodles!

Often times we find ourselves starting a new training program and say "this is the one that will get me that six pack". Then you go to the gym and follow your program, which is awesome, then you don't see a result.

Then you realize the problem is not the training, but the nutrition. Then that is where most people will say that "eating healthy is expensive".

I will put this out there, eating healthy is expensive. It is expensive when you want to buy that expensive veggie chips, and those weird tasting green smoothies. Yes! Healthy eating is only accessible for those who have a masters degree and work for a big accounting firm!

The reality is that we often times we forget that simplicity of healthy eating. The fact there are simple options that all that healthy and not all that fancy. You do not need outrageous veggie chips (I'm not hating) or some crazy fad diet item.

What a healthy lifestyle seeker should do is find those healthier options that fit the budget and also know which are your goals. Keep the following in mind;

  • Dollar Store: is it cheap? Yes. do you find healthy items? Yes!
  • Produce section: You can buy uncut and uncleaned veggies for  a lot cheaper. 
  • Buy dry grains: You will get less sodium, more fiber, and a bigger bang for a buck!
Dollar Store is that place where you can get cheap planners, cheap kitchenware, and cheap food. Among these options we find durum wheat pasta, sugar-free pasta sauce (only has tomato and some salt), awesome seasonings, and cheap oily fish like mackerel and sardines. 

Produce Section is not just for old people and housewives. Here you can find sweet deals. Often times we are lazy to wash and cut out own vegetables. Stop being lazy and spend a few extra seconds to wash your greens! I will be posting some tips for washing them vegetables some time in the future. 

Finally Dry Grains. Grains (like beans and lentils) are both praised and hated. Buying them canned not only it will contain unncessary ingredients, BPAs, higher sodium, sometimes sugar, and will be more expensive. For example, you can get a can of black beans for about $ .98 and only get about 3.5 servings. If you buy a packet of black beans, you get over a pound of beans for about a dollar and get about 10 servings. 

Now, I will be posting some awesome items that will save you money, and feed your muscles to achieve your fitness goals. Also remember to be adventurous when it comes to eating. Try new foods and mix things up. I will be back soon!

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